OK, so we might have a winter event tomorrow night. At least, theoretically, it shouldn't lay on the ground forever, mutating into a deadly slick substance that even the dog can’t walk on.
Spring means life in the boatyard once again, with boats emerging from their plastic cocoons on land and heading for the water. Spring means I’ll have to get off my lazy duff and gear up for another season of boat canvas work.
Spring means life in the boatyard once again, with boats emerging from their plastic cocoons on land and heading for the water. Spring means I’ll have to get off my lazy duff and gear up for another season of boat canvas work.
Spring most likely means another season of the Shipyard Sh*tfight. In the boatyard where I lurk, there’s a particular bathroom that has been the domain of everyone in the working end of the yard (vs the marina slips end) for as long as both boatyard and bathroom have been in existence, sometime not long after the big bang. Last spring, one of the dinosaur business owners arbitrarily decided that the bathroom was his and no one else’s, based solely on its proximity to his shop. There were two sets of doors to enter before reaching the bathroom door, and he put three different locks on each door. A protracted fight ensued, but in the end, no one could, or wanted to, match his bitterness. We all just wanted peace, like there had been for all eternity prior to the boatyard bathroom battles. A few precious keys were doled out to the tenants deemed worthy of entering the castle. All other unworthy subjects had to truck quite a long distance to the bathrooms at the other end of the shipyard. The privileged, who had to deal with three keys and three locks, didn't feel so lucky every time they struggled to get in while doing a funny little dance of desperation.
After this cranky person left for the winter, there was a big celebration held, with the ceremonial ripping off of the locks. And guess what? Despite the doors being left wide open the entire winter, the bathroom is not trashed, and his shop was not broken into, as Mr. Dementia claimed would happen, here in this place where there’s never, ever been any crime. We’re saving our vandalism for this year’s battle, where we all crap on the carpet outside his shop in protest. No decisions yet whether it will be a group dump or if we’ll take turns.
Yeah, spring, bring it on. I’m more than ready.
After this cranky person left for the winter, there was a big celebration held, with the ceremonial ripping off of the locks. And guess what? Despite the doors being left wide open the entire winter, the bathroom is not trashed, and his shop was not broken into, as Mr. Dementia claimed would happen, here in this place where there’s never, ever been any crime. We’re saving our vandalism for this year’s battle, where we all crap on the carpet outside his shop in protest. No decisions yet whether it will be a group dump or if we’ll take turns.
Yeah, spring, bring it on. I’m more than ready.