Don't worry, because now you can turn that disaster into profits with one of our home oil refining units:

Simply collect the tarballs on your land, or skim the oil surrounding your boat, and fire away. You'll now have your own gasoline, diesel, heating oil, motor oil, and heck, with our number one best selling unit, you can even make jet fuel. And anything you make over and above what you can use, big oil must buy back from you, just as the electric company must purchase excess electricity generated from your solar panels or wind generators. Big oil will no longer corner the market with their billion dollar refineries.
Your property values will soar, and your boat will no longer be a rust bucket derelict that no one wants. All the brokers will be on your doorstep with enormous offers.
Contact us today to view our demo and pricing. Hurry, these units are slipping away fast!