Why run with the crowd when you can run around in circles?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Grandfather

Four of us were out having lunch on a Sunday afternoon, me, my grandparents and their daughter. The daughter wanted to borrow her parents’ car sometime during the upcoming week. Her car needed to go to the shop for the day, but her husband was going to be out of town all week with the other car. Both grandparents each pulled out their daytimers, put their heads together, and started debating.

Grandfather: “Well, let’s see. I already know Friday is out because I have the library board meeting in the morning, and then we start the new yoga class in the afternoon.”

Grandmother: “Monday morning won’t do. I have three appointments. Is there anything scheduled for the afternoon?”

Grandfather: “The afternoon is booked too. Remember, we’re leading the seniors ‘shop till you drop’ mall trip. We’re going to harass all the teenagers.”

Grandmother: “Oh yes, I forgot to write that in. And I see we have the bowling league in the evening. How does Tuesday look? I can’t read what I’ve written here.”

Grandfather: “We have the ‘Save the Wild Conch of Abaco’ luncheon. I’m giving a speech. And later on we’re going line dancing with two other couples from our aquatic aerobics class.”

Grandmother: “Wednesday is pretty full with the book club, the church officers meeting, and the annual ‘Walk in the Park after Dark’ group, you know, the one where two off duty cops come along fully armed, so no one gets mugged like last year?”

Grandfather: “Oh yes. I love that walk. Let’s see, Thursday morning I drive Mom to the spa. While she does her thing, I’m going to pop over to help decorate the Meals on Wheels lounge for the big party on Friday night. I’m getting an award for all my years of delivering to shut-ins. Hey, look, here’s an opening. We don’t need the car between 3 and 5 on Thursday. You can have it then. Will that do?”

Daughter sighed and said, “Never mind, my car will probably hold together until hubby gets back. Thank you anyway.”

At the time this conversation took place, Grandparents were 87 & 84, respectively. In my 30’s at the time, I was awed that these two senior citizens had a more active schedule in a week than I had in a month. As I sat at the table contemplating what now appeared to be my slothful existence, I was thinking, ‘wow, these people are truly amazing-I’m glad we’re family.’ And, ‘note to self: get a life. A real one.’

Grandmother went on ahead last November, a week shy of her 94th birthday. Not long after, Grandfather was introduced to his first computer. He has discovered the cyberworld. He is grocery shopping by peapod online, ordering needed items to come to his door, doing netflix, emailing, and keeping up with news, happenings, and watching all that is going on in the world. He even jokes about internet dating. A gifted writer with a wonderful sense of humor, he is able to recite poetry or break into old Broadway show tunes apropos to any occasion. We’re waiting for the website or a bit on youtube. He turns 91 today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kit,

What a lovely tribute! The Grandfather who is a computer newbie is going to be a blg blog responder after he sees this. I forwarded your blog address to him again. Since both the GF and his daughter are barely computer literate it will take us a little time but we will be up to speed soon. So glad you a cherished granddaughter in of our family!