What do you do when you’re still a pansy-assed weakling after battling lyme disease for more than a year, but your budget is zip after underworking all that time, so you can’t afford to hire a ditch digger? But that strength-necessary task absolutely must get done before the big freeze-up.
Just do it. Dig for a bit, get frustrated at your lack of muscle, and then stop and contemplate your life. Maybe it really would be easier to live in the car, driving south away from the frozen land, and just earn enough for gas.
But wait, gas prices are up again, so you may not be able to afford that lifestyle either.
While leaning on your shovel trying to find the zip to carry on, your dog jumps into the trench you’ve started, and digs digs digs. Within moments, she’s dug down four inches deeper than you managed in half an hour.
Being showed up by a dog pisses you off enough to say, well, if that little dog can do it, so can I. And off you go with your shovel, calling in the dog whenever you need a break. And in two days, the trench is dug, the new wire is in.
Where would we be without dogs?