Why run with the crowd when you can run around in circles?

Monday, December 05, 2016

Just Another Monday

Today started with shoveling snow off my car…yeah, that’s suicide right there, lol.  So I could drive my two dogs to the vet.  One for her usual acupuncture appointment (trust me, it works), the other for more blood work to chase out the reason he is underweight, throwing up occasionally, and drinking scads of water. 

First I upended up the vet’s office by offering that instead of barfing once a week per usual, we’d had a lovely 3 day (well ok, middle of the night) weekend of bile everywhere… So glad I just invested in that new carpeting…so now he needs to be shot up with fluids as well.

We get through the sticking of needles in various dogs, and I am standing at the counter to pay when I run into a friend and her dog coming out of a different room (distraction).  Dogs and I leave to vet #2.  (because there’s no time to drop acupuncture dog off at home in between, and it’s too cold for her to wait in car for dog 2, so we are both there for his appointment).  Some hours later, I am asked to pay (also exorbitant) vet 2.  Wallett????  Well I hadn’t stopped between vet one and 2, so…back to vet 1 for wallet left on counter, being grateful for many reasons besides the one that I had JUST ENOUGH gas to retrieve said wallet and make it to the nearest (also $$$$) gas station.   

And there is the simplistic version of my Monday.  Let’s not even go into the nuances of ‘the plan’.  It involves me driving my car coupled to a small trailer carrying a motorcycle.  In the car should be me, my two dogs, my dear friend of 22 years.  The goal? 3 months traveling Mexico, Belize, Guatamala.  An open ended, evolving as we go plan.  The current hitch? Yeah, this guy. 

He's worth it all. Stay tuned.