Why run with the crowd when you can run around in circles?

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Although I haven’t seen him in years, I grew up in close proximity to one particular relative whom I love dearly. He once surprised me by stating “I don’t like black people.” Huh? First, I’ve never seen a black person. Nor have I seen a white one. I’ve seen people of different skin tones, but that’s all. But I thought I could have some fun with this, so I asked him,” what color was the lady who rear ended you, pushed your car into a tree, and then took off?”

“Who was it that broke into your house and stole all your stuff?”
“My best friend Dave.”
“And what color was he?”

“Who was it that had sex with your fiancĂ© in the back of your car?”
“My buddy Frank.”
“And what color was he?”

“That time you got so drunk and fell down in the bar parking lot by your car, who was it that drove you home, helped you into your house and onto the couch, and then left a note that your car would be at the bar and the bartender would have the keys. And late the next day, there was your car and keys just like the note said. What color was that guy?”

“And when your brakes seized up that time that you were broke and out of work and had no money and no idea of how to fix them, who was it that came over, crawled under your truck and showed you how it was done?”
“Neighbor down the road. Joe.”
“And what color was he?”

“In high school, who was it that used to get you into all those porn flicks even though you were underage?”
“Your best friend.”
“And what color was he?”

“Tell me, what has a person of color ever done to you to make you feel this way?”
“Nothing. I dunno. I just don’t like em.”

I have never understood how people can believe that god created all humanity, and then turn around and denigrate ‘another’ race. If god made everyone, aren’t we all the same? Or did he make some practice models that were less efficient?

I once loved and cohabitated with someone of a different race. Gasp, say you racists. Yes. My eyes are green, his were not. My hair is reddish brown, his was not. His skin tone was not the same as mine. He was born in a different country, and spoke a different language.

That bloody foreigner of mine desired employment in this country. Yes, one of those wanting to come in and steal all our jobs. I couldn’t object to that, because, let’s face it, didn’t our ancestors do the same?

Well, not exactly. The previous tenants of this land we now call America probably would have been relieved if only their jobs were stolen by those funny looking pale people arriving on ships, instead of their land, their homes, their families, their very lives.

Dang all pale-skinned blue eyed blond Brits. All mine did was steal my heart, but I really can’t object, because unlike the Native Americans, a drop or so of which blood flows through my mutt veins, I’m still free to roam the land. And I must admit that I have found advantages to being heartless.

Get real, folks, we’re all the same. The only differences are cultural, and for an open mind and a bit of understanding, is that really so much?

1 comment:

robkroese said...

Those darn black people, always showing him up with their "skills" and "helpfulness". No wonder he doesn't like them!